“The waste plastic destined for 4R remanufacturing, called ‘plastic scraps ’, which can be reused in upgrade or downgrade recycling ,are dropped-off to household/consumers’ plastic products in-use . By using reverse logistics of distribution of food packaging, the plastic scraps are to be collected by the commercial network operated by food 、beverage & plastic food packaging companies. “

Multiple Advantages

Other than being 20-50% less expensive in material cost , the remanufactured plastic materials have the same benefits and value cycle as virgin plastic . It is also the only available way in which to create renewable fuel and reusable plastic materials which have otherwise been disposed at landfill .

By prolonging the life of the plastic materials , retaining value , saving on virgin plastic and fossil oil whilst reducing plastic waste, the food 、beverage & plastic food packaging companies across the nation will create a comprehensive circular model. Moreover, this waste plastic 4R processing activity involved a skilled workforce and creates jobs locally: in order to be economically interesting, remanufacturing has to be performed within the market in which waste plastic materials are used and collected .

Savings on Every Level

Finally, the food、beverage & plastic food packaging companies which rely on energy consumption and virgin plastic materials are losing out to the potential of our waste plastic 4R process which bears huge business sustainability in long run. On a nation-wide scale, the material cost saved as a result of our 4R remanufacturing could be 20%~50% less than virgin plastic .

In terms of federal and local authorities’ mandates on waste plastic disposal, the food 、beverage & plastic food packaging companies which invest in our waste plastic 4R solutions will not send any waste to landfill , and therefore what it means to most food 、beverage & plastic food packaging companies is “Business As Usual” when not necessarily chartering into any risky alternative food packaging material replacement business .

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